The Simple Diner: Angelo’s Diner

IMG_0530For residents of New Jersey and Philadelphia, diners mean a lot to them. Everyone has a favorite and that favorite restaurant has a favorite food. For many people in Glassboro, New Jersey, Angelo’s Diner is that favorite diner. For locals and Rowan University students, Angelo’s comes up in each person’s life at least once a week.

This diner is just like many other ones; there are easy-to-talk-to waitresses, all meals available, and eggs however you want one. The difference? The atmosphere. There is more of a city attitude in a small town. The bar being the main seating area and the choose-your-own-seat factor creates an eat-and-go push. This is not a bad thing though! Before work or class, this is want you want! That pork roll, egg, and cheese on a bagel that you just ordered? It’s done inIMG_0533 a matter of 5 minutes. THIS is a diner that represents the diner type of New Jersey and Phila

The food and service is what keeps the customers coming back. They will take any s
pecial request and do exactly what the customer wants. If you want crispy bacon, you get crispy bacon. If you want thick scrapple, you will get thick scrapple. Angelo’s will make you happy even if they don’t agree with he way that you like to eat your eggs.

Angelo’s Diner is located right next Rowan University making it only a walk away from dorms and houses. The easy access to this local treasure is key. With more and more dorms being built with the expansion of Rowan University’s life, Angelo’s is a key to keep everyone in the area happy.

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